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online ISSN 1646-7752
dot HoST Manuscript Submission Guidelines

HoST encourages submissions of original research exploring the cultural and social dimensions of science and technology in history across the world.

Submissions should be sent as an e-mail attachment to the editor:

Ana Carneiro:
CIUHCT, Faculty of Sciences and Technology
New University of Lisbon
Campus de Caparica
2829-516 Monte de Caparica

Articles should be between 7000 and 15,000 words long. In the exceptional case, longer articles may be considered for publication, sometimes in two or more parts. Shorter contributions may be considered for the 'Work in Progress' section. A list of 5 keywords and an abstract of 100 words should accompany each paper.

HoST only accepts papers in English as a strong commitment to cross-cultural dialogue.Though the Editors will provide linguistic revisions when needed, it is the author's responsibility to ensure the quality of the English text. US and UK spelling may be used, as long as it is consistent through the paper. Single quotation marks should be used throughout, with double quotation marks reserved for embedded quotes.

The full names of historical figures should be given in complete form on the first mention of a person (not initials), with birth and death dates specified from a reliable source. Thereafter, use the family name, or in rare cases just the given name.

Bibliographic information should be given in footnotes numbered consecutively throughout the article. They are to be indicated by a superscript numeral in the text placed after the punctuation mark. NOTE: Although the online version of the papers show footnotes numbered in brackets, this is merely for technical reasons. Please use superscript numerals as usual and indicated above.

References to books should include author's full name; complete title of the book, underlined (italics); place of publication and publisher's name for books published after 1900; date of publication, including the original date when a reprint is being cited; page numbers cited.

Manuel Castells, The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture, 3 vols., Vol. I: The Rise of the Network Society (Oxford: Blackwell, 1996), p. 7.

References to articles in periodicals should include author's name; title of article, in quotes; title of periodical, underlined; year; volume number, Arabic and underlined; number of issue if pagination requires it; page numbers of article; number of particular page cited.

Egas Moniz, "Prefrontal Leucotomy in the Treatment of mental Disorders", American Journal of Psychiatry, 1937, 93: 1379-1385, on p. 1381.

Succeeding citations of books and periodicals should use an abbreviated version of the title with the author's last name.

Moniz, "Prefrontal Leucotomy," p. 1380.

Please mark clearly for the typesetter all unusual alphabets, special characters, mathematics, and chemical formulae, and include all diacritical marks.

A small number of figures may be used to illustrate an article (5 maximum). They should be sent by e-mail to the editor in a separate identified file, as jpg or tif, scanned at 300dpi. Authors should mark the place where figures should be inserted in the text (e.g.) [INSERT FIGURE 1].

It is the author’s responsibility to secure any necessary permissions for publication.

Work in Progress:
Texts  for this section should not exceed 4,000 words, including references. Bibliographic information and figures should follow the guidelines given for articles.

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  past issues

> Vol.8, Fall 2013
> Vol.7, Spring 2013
> Vol.6, Fall 2012
> Vol.5, Spring 2012
> Vol.4, Fall 2010
> Vol.3, Fall 2009
> Vol.2, Fall 2008
> Vol.1, Summer 2007


> 2012/13 HoST Seminars
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> instructions for book reviewers

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